Students may also choose to participate in the following events or activities: student council, homework club, safety patrol, garden club, theater week, science club, law club, stock market club, chess club or art club.Our school has set up a program titled Positive Partners in which upper grade students are paired up with lower grade students. The students do activities with their buddies throughout the school year. This helps promote good character for all of the students.
Please read about our clubs and activities below!
Please read about our clubs and activities below!
Anime is a fine animation art that has wowed people for decades. People today still love the art that originated in Japan. Bay Head School loves anime so much, that we started an anime club for those who felt the similar WOW! of anime. This club is for those who enjoy drawing, or just the magic of, anime. In this club students will draw and talk about anime, and watch full length feature films. The club is open to students from 5th to 8th grades.
Cheerleading - Mrs. Caruso and Mrs. Grant
The Bay Head Cheerleaders welcome anyone in grades K-8! We combine our school spirit in a variety of Pep Rallies throughout the year! We start the Basketball season off with our first spirit filled routine. We follow with a holiday celebration for Christmas in Bay Head. Next up BHS participates in a Coin Challenge to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. After a fun-filled Spirit Week, we help start off the Pep Rally that announces the week's top winning classes! We finish out the season with a final routine to end the sports' season. We cheer on all of the sports that have been participated in, both at our school and with nearby schools. If you have school spirit and love to dance with pom poms consider joining the BHS Cheerleaders!
Chess Club - Ms. Wills
The Chess Club meets every first Wednesday of each month starting in October. It is open to grades 4 through 8 and allow experts or beginners to discover the benefits of learning chess using a typical 8 x 8 board and 16 pieces.
Each meeting, students will be able to learn and utilize strategies, and abstract thinking to capture the King. Students will also have the opportunity to learn how to use clocks to keep track of the total time each player takes for their own moves. Using chess clocks often makes the game go faster, and offers a tournament style environment.
Garden Club
Sea Gulls Junior Garden Club is sponsored and financed by the Seaweeders of Bay Head and Mantoloking. Meetings are held once a month October through June and Seaweeders provide programs and leadership. Programs include horticulture, floral design, holiday projects, and environmental awareness.
Guitar Club- Mr. Espinosa
The main goal of Guitar Club is to provide a fun opportunity for students to broaden their knowledge of music. Beyond this, students will learn how to build and play chords, play entire songs, and have a culminating performance at the Winter and Spring concerts. Students are also encouraged to sing! No guitar or prior experience is necessary to join the club, but it is strongly encouraged that students have a playable instrument at home to practice with. |
Homework Club
Homework club is a quiet place to come to get your homework done. Anyone in grades 1-8 is welcome. The club meets twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30-3:15 in the Spanish and Art room. Homework help is provided.
Law Club
At Bay Head there are many extra-curricular activities. From sports to writing club we have it all! A newer club, that has been up and running for about five years at BHS is law club. The law club allows students in the 7th and 8th grades to learn about law terms, how a courtroom is set up, and how to create cases. Law club focuses on creating a mock trial that will be submitted to the New Jersey State Bar Foundation’s Law Adventure. In fact, last year the students at Bay Head School submitted a case called “Trouble in the Hood” and competed with 118 other cases, and they won honorable mention! Bay Head School provides many special clubs that many schools don’t have… and law club is certainly one of them!
National Junior Honor Society- Mrs. Contreras and Mr. Murphy
The National Junior Honor Society is a nation-wide organization that promotes the ideals of scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship. Students in grade 6 to 8 are eligible for membership and must participate in chapter and individual service projects that benefit the school or community.
Newspaper- Ms. Meyer
The Newspaper “club” is run by Ms. Meyer. Every marking period a new edition of the newspaper is released under the supervision of the editor. Members of the club have the opportunity to write articles about or contribute pictures of events that take place at Bay Head School. Click the link below to read our current and archived editions.
Positive Partners- Mrs. Contreras
Positive Partners is a buddy system program in which students are paired to complete different activities throughout the year. Grades 5 through 8 are the "big" buddies, and matched with a "little" student in. grades K through 4. Some activities that the bigs and littles do together include BINGO, making ornaments, read alouds, and making cards for Veterans.
Safety Patrol- Mrs. Califano
Our 5th grade class participates in a program called the Safety Patrol. The primary purpose of the program is to enhance the safety of our students. It also promotes good leadership skills and good citizenship qualities. The job of the safety patrol is to model for the students the safety rules that are taught throughout the building. They are to assist students in safe transitions throughout the building. Safety patrol members are given assignments that change bi-monthly and all members have the opportunity to be the captains of the patrol.
Stock Market Club
The Stock Market Club has been part of Bay Head School for fifteen years. This club is one of the largest clubs in the school and allows the students to learn about the Stock Market by playing the Stock Market Game. The Stock Market Game allows the students to see how the Stock Market works first hand. Students may work independently or can work in partners. They start off with $100,000 and can invest money into the stocks they find interesting. The initial investment of money can increase or can decrease based on the stocks they own and how the Stock Market is doing. This game prepares them for the future by teaching them about investing.
Student Council- Mrs. Galarza
Student Council consist of elected members of the 6th and 8th grade, along with other members of the upper wing to work together and represent the Bay Head School community. These students put together activities, contest and raise money for scholarships throughout the year for all students to participate and have fun with. This year the Student Council is looking to complete a service project every month, like baking Apple Pies for the Mayor’s Office and Bay Head Fire Department and raising money to give a promoting eighth grader and a graduating Alumni a scholarship.
Writing Club- Mrs. Fallivene
This club is open to students in grades 4-8 and after school from 2:30-3:30. The goal of the club is to enhance student interest and student enjoyment of the writing craft. This club will be designed in a workshop model. It will allow students to create pieces in various genres of choice. Students may work individually or with a partner to create a writing piece of choice. This is NOT a tutoring club. Students are to create original pieces and not use this time to build on class projects or complete assignments for school. The length of time needed for each piece will depend on the individual writer’s project. About every 6 weeks we will have a celebration for completed projects. Mrs. Fallivene assists and conferences with the students to enhance and strengthen writing pieces.
Yearbook Club- Ms. Wills
The Yearbook Club is opened to students in grades 6, 7 and 8. The club meets at least once a week to produce a yearbook which showcases all of the wonderful things about Bay Head School – including our students, faculty, staff, clubs, sports and awesome activities that we do at our great school. Students learn how to operate an online program that ultimately develops the finished publication. Input for the yearbook is welcomed from everyone in the community, including students, staff and parents.